Thursday, 19 April 2012

Filming Equipment

When filming there are four main pieces of equipment required on a standard shoot.
The equipment required is: Video Camera

 VIDEO CAMERA - is obviously essential as no footage would be recorded without the camera. The camera we used to record our video is a basic Cannon handheld, digital video camera owned by our school WGSG. We were content using this camera as it was easy to work, had good battery life, good storage (with memory card in) and its greatest perk was the size of the camera, it was only very small and therefore lightweight, easy to handle which made it easier to film various shots and especially when filming in awkward positions or having to hold the camera freelance for a long time.

TRIPOD - the function of the tripod is to keep the camera perfectly still when filming. It is usually used with heavy cameras or beginner Filmer's trying to produce a steady shot, like myself and my team. The tripod allowed my group and I to produce more professional shots by pursuing smoother camera movements.

LAMPS/LIGHTING - our school WGSG provided my group and I with two lights. The lights were adequate to provide enough light to clearly visualise our characters and indoor scenes.

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