Monday, 23 April 2012




After constructing our rough cut of our music my group and I experienced our first bout of audience feedback on our video. We experienced this audience feedback via one of our media lessons being dedicated for our class to give feedback to one and other. All three of the groups within our class played their videos and after we had watched each video we would have to give two aspects of the video/trailer that we like and one thing that they should improve on.

The feedback my group and I received were very positive. We already knew the parts of our video that we needed to edit further or change as we could recognise that it didn't look right and that we could do better. The improvements that our class gave, that my group and I fully agreed with was that the text message on the Iphone was too dim and therefore impossible to read the message. We also agreed with their thoughts on improving Ellie/Elle lip sinking the words of 'ignorance is your new best friend' as most of the time she was either laughing or out of time with the music.
   The positive feedback on our music video consisted of the actors coming across very believable, the variety of the different camera shots and angles, the cutting of the video to sync with the song and finally the class thought the black and white memory scenes portrayed a very professional look to the video.
   After this audience feedback we re filmed, when filming we took all comments into account and feel as though we have amended and made any required adjustments.


For our final cut audience feedback we uploaded our video onto our Facebook pages so that our video could be shown to all my, Charlotte's, Sarah's and Zoe's family and friends on Facebook. By uploading the video to our Facebook pages our friends and family could either 'like' (click the like button at the bottom of the video link) or they could comment on the video and express their thoughts and personal opinion of our video.

All of the people that commented on our video via Facebook are the target audience for our video. As you can see from their comments, our video was very well received and the viewers liked it greatly.

Our second source of audience feedback was that my group interviewed a selection of girls from the ages of 17-18 from our school, WGSG.  We learnt more from videoing the interviews as we asked them direct questions about our video instead of them simply watching the video and expressing what they thought. Some of the feedback we received stated that we should have made Elle out to act more drunk as she consuming large amounts of strong liqueur but was acting highly sober just fuelled with rage even though alcohol is known to exaggerate the mood and mind frame that you are in. But apart from that the girls interviewed were extremely impressed with our work, especially with the editing as they felt we synced the video with music perfectly. And even the tricky lip sinking that Ellie performed was executed successfully after a second attempt of filming.

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